Thank you for visiting our website! We hope you will visit our site often, and make this a valuable reference. This is a beginning of a new world for all of "The Allis Connection" members and non-members alike that are interested in the world of Allis-Chalmers.This site will list up-dates as they come in, show dates, how to become a member of The Allis-Connection, and receive your newsletters as well as how to contact your directors. This site will have items added to help grow our site and membership, how-to tips, recipes, and many other things that will be for everyone! If you have anything you would like to see on the website, please let us know. With your help and input this website will become bigger and better.

Thank You and Think Orange
The ALLIS CONNECTION ~ 913 North Main St. ~Abingdon, Illinois ~ 61410 ~ An Allis-Chalmers Collector's Club
Founded February, 1992 ~ Website of the Allis Connection January, 2009 ~ Newsletter Published Bi-monthly (Membership)